Monday, April 13, 2009

Quotes - Stream of Consciousness

The most basic instinct and our justification.
"All that is necessary for Evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
Which begs the question: What is good and evil and who or what defines them?
Martin Niemoeller had it right; if one fulfills the role of seer
the time will come when everyone else will follow
and no one will be left to defend you.
If good men do nothing, who is left?
If good men do nothing, does that make them evil?
Are they evil, or are they human?
Neither one will ever triumph as it is not possible 'till we reach end times.
Both must be present for the other to exist because
if the good fall and all that is left is evil, is it evil?
What distinguishes that "evil" from "good" if all there is is "evil".
These words - Good and Evil - are ideas; beliefs, and who defines them?
The last man standing... the man with the biggest guns.
When the "evil" do triumph, they will soon face a new evil; another enemy.
Such is the theory of super-imposed opposites.
So since "evil" will never triumph, it is true that "good" will never triumph.
If either do, it's neither one, and then it will not matter.
When the end times have come to pass, and humanity's final chapter's written,
who will be it's author? And which word will he use to describe our ending?
- Does it really matter? -

---- A Stream of Consciousness by Perry

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